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Video: Agnes Martin

Agnes Martin Interview (20:00 version, 1997) from Chuck Smith on Vimeo.

Agnes Martin is one incredible lady and a brilliant artist. I first saw her work last winter at the New Mexico Museum of Art in Santa Fe. I would have never expected to fall so hard for what really is just lines, lines, and more lines, but I did. What is it about the grid?

It makes sense, though, when I consider other artists I love who exploit the ever-evolving line- potters like Nicholas Bivins and Emily Schroeder and Rob Sutherland.

Anyway... enjoy the video, hopefully you'll learn a thing or two. 


FetishGhost said...

That gave me my biggest smile all year. What a brilliant gem Jess.

Unknown said...

Isn't she great?!?

Claire said...

Thanks so much for sharing this.

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