
Weekend Rewind

Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend. Here's a glimpse back at some posts from the past week.

My 100th Post--> Pretty momentous. Well in my eyes. I usually only get a blog up to about 68 posts before I lose interest. So hey, 3rd time's charm, right? (My two previous attemps: Everyday Object and Lobster Cakes.)

Kuraoka Says to Know: Ron Nagle--> I say to know him, too. Not only is he an influential artist, he's a totally kick ass dude, and he's a Bay Area native- Mission District, SF to be exact. If you haven't already, you should totally watch the video I linked to. It's pretty good.

Nobuhito Nishigawara
: I kinda would love him just for his name alone, but it doesn't hurt that his sculptures and pots are so rockin'. Is that Greek, no Japanese, wait- Mesopotamia, right? Answer: All of the above.

Kim Simonsson: Let me know what you think. Kick-ass? Weird? Adolescent? Inspiring? I still don't know. There are some good press articles on his website but they haven't really helped me understand his work all that well.

'Till Monday!

(Jesse Lu)

(image of work by Lucie Berben via Flickr)


  1. Keep posting! I absolutely LOVE your blog. I am just starting out as a ceramist and have found your posts infinitely inspiring. <3

  2. Thanks, Alison. I'm so glad you find inspiration here... That's the whole point! :)


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