
Kuraoka Says to Know: Viola Frey

Viola Frey is one of the most enigmatic artists from the California Funk movement. She studied at California College of the Arts like Voulkos and Arneson. Her work is quite literally and figuratively larger than life and completely unparalleled in contemporary ceramic art.

Please watch the video, Viola Frey: Memory Assembled, where you can watch artists such as Richard Shaw and Betty Woodman speak about the artist and her work. There is also a KQED Spark video here which you can watch if you have the right application.

Frey's unabashed and painterly use of color is absolutely inspiring as is the piece by piece construction of her towering figures, each standing at near nine feet tall. Sadly, Frey recently passed (2004) after a battle with cancer. Her influence on contemporary ceramics is nevertheless alive.

(images via the Nancy Hoffman Gallery; portrait via KQED)

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