
Fly Kelly Daniels to Penland

My personal success on Kickstarter did so much more than grant me the funds I needed to continue a series of textile works. My success showed me there were people who believed in me, it proved to me I can do whatever I set my mind to if I just set it, and it sparked this idea that anyone can experience the same success if I just pay it forward a little bit at a time.

That being said, I want to put it out there again that if you start a project on Kickstarter I want to know, so I can help.

(Mud)Bucket reader and web-pal Kelly Daniels sent me an email yesterday about the Kickstarter project she launched just launched, "Fly Me to Penland". Kelly is trying to make it to Penland to study with Kathy King in March and we can help her tremendously by supporting her project on Kickstarter. Kelly has several awesome ceramic rewards for helping her out so this is a great way to add to your mug collection or grab a new little nightstand treasure (a ring dish is the first ceramic reward).

Watch the video above and then click on over to Kickstarter to pitch in and select you reward. Kelly is truly talented. I can't wait to see what she learns at Penland. :)


  1. Jesse Lu, Thank you so much for posting this! Now I really feel honored.

  2. Ah, Internet begging! The way generation Y "achieves" their goals!

  3. Excuse me, Juanita... but I resent your comment. Kelly is NOT begging via the internet, nor did I. The organization, Kickstarter, offers people a way to raise funds to pursue wonderful, community enriching projects by offering tangible rewards for many levels of contributions. Would you consider applying for a grant 'begging' because that is that is the traditional route of artists, designers, organizers, and inventors. This 'new' groundbreaking method of fundraising allows regular people to support projects in the arts, technology, and sciences. (Something our larger society is doing less and less.) If folks don't wish to participate there is no pressure put on them to do so. All support is an individual choice through this organization.

    Perhaps you ought to consider where your thoughts came from and why you are feeling that this kind of community support should not be happening. I'm sorry you can't see the magic in this new opportunity in grassroots invention.

    And attacking an entire generation because you feel hum-bug about someone else's blessing is rather rude.

  4. Jesse, thanks for telling me about your blog! What a great resource to learn about ceramic artists. I will be following it regularly.

    Oh, and congrats on the kickstarter project. Here in the US, we artists struggle with finding funding. It's much easier to find public and private support in Europe. We've got to try any way we can here. I look forward to seeing what you create from it.

  5. Go Jesse ! And Kelly, your work is beautiful. I support both of you on your Kickstarter projects and yes, thank god for kick-starter. What a bright idea.

    I continue to support many artists/filmmakers/writers with their kick-starter programs.


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