
Video: Ceramics- A Fragile History

BBC presents a three part trilogy about the history of British ceramics. How awesome is this!?!

Part one is above, part two below.... Part Three airs tomorrow and should be available on YouTube shortly thereafter.

So awesome.


  1. The first two episodes have been fascinating. I'm really looking forward to watching the final one tomorrow. It's part of the 'Handmade in Britain' series. How great to have a year-long season devoted to the decorative arts!

  2. Thanx for sharing! Lovely videos..

  3. I shared the YouTube link to many potter friends over the last weekend, but it seems it has been taken down now - possibly the BBC objected. On learning of the series a few weeks ago I emailed the BBC to find out if the series will be on DVD or any other media for us to get to see. No reply so far. I adored both episodes so far. Fingers crossed that the next episode comes our way one way or another. I tried watching it via the BBC iPlayer but it is not accessible that way outside of the UK. It makes a great introduction to the history of clay for ceramics students.


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