
Karen McPhail

I came across Irish potter, Karen McPhail a couple days ago on Bloesem. What a sweet surprise! I love the graphic nature of the stencils and decals as well as the lovely quality of the linear decorative elements. Plus, creative handles and knobs are always a plus in my book. Also, I really appreciate, now more than ever, the simplicity of the cylinder and how wonderful it is when boldly decorated.

(images via artist's website)


  1. Really really pretty! Thanks for the introduction. Great feature.

  2. hi, my name is andre and i love art very much.
    i just visit your blog and find out that your pottery is very nice.
    i do also have a blog.
    my blog is about crafts and handmade things that maybe you also like.
    please visit my blog and leave a comment.
    perhaphs we can exchange link if you don't mind?
    i guess it will be good..


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