
Studio Time: Contemporary Fiber Forms

Here are my projects from my textile sculpture class.  I'm having fun in this class but I have to say it's not quite as exciting as I thought it was going to be. I feel like my teacher has certain ideas about what it is she want's us to create that make me feel limited in what I can do. But I'm trying my best and she seems to be pleased with my effort. So this is what I've got so far... 

At top is my third project, soft sculpture. I call it A Chair for Dreaming.  It was quite a challenge and took much more time to complete than I had expected. My work in weaving suffered for it, unfortunately.

Just above is my second assignment, fitted transformation. We had to draft a pattern for an object and use that to transform the object from its original state. My original objects were plain glass teacups. I wanted to transform something everyday and mass-produced into something whimsical and unique.  I call this piece Tea with Wayne and Mary because to me the cups look like physical manifestations of the work of Wayne Thiebaud or Mary Engelbreit.

Anyway, next up is an assignment on structure. Hmm... I dunno, we'll see about that one.

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