
What I'm up to, lately...

Well, hello again friends. I know, I know. I fell off the face of the earth for a while there and you are probably wondering why, but that's a boring story that no one really wants to read about, so... I'm just going to jump right back in and tell you a little about what I've been up to at the studio.

I had grandiose plans for this summer about how I would use my studio and time to push out a junk load of work.  I got around to making the list at least...

  • 6 mugs
  • 6 tumblers
  • 6 espresso cups
  • 6 bowls
  • 6 plates
  • 2 vases
  • 1 whiskey set (including 1 decanter and 6 cups)
  • 1 sake set (including 1 bottle and 6 cups)
  • 1 salt and pepper set
  • 1 cream and sugar set
  • 1 teapot
  • 1 spice well
  • 1 serving platter
  • 1 serving bowl
  • 1 pitcher

I figured this would be a fair amount of output for a person who only worked her day job 2-3 days a week. But alas... the fall semester finally rolled around and I found that I had only managed to get about 35 pieces or so to the greenware level. But I'm not discouraged, I'm going to keep on truckin'! I've only got 26 pieces left on the list to get to greenware... then it's just designing the surface and glazing. Though one should never underestimate the time it takes for such stages.

I'm really enjoying working in this style and am exited to start seeing some finished products soon.

In more news, I've signed on for a Red Brick group show next June which gives me plenty of time to bust out a fair amount of work to choose from and I'm hoping to schedule another Red Brick group show maybe for late winter, earlier next year. We'll see how things go. I've got a very heavy load this semester... Wanna hear it? I know you do. Well, aside from a boring government requirement that I'm finally squashing I've got three, yes three, studio courses. Painting 1 with Lisa Soloman, Weaving 1 with Vic De La Rosa, and Contemporary Fiber Forms with Victoria May. Awesome group of professors, I know, and I'm really excited about the work I'm going to do this semester under their tutelage. 

And another reminder, if you are interested to see what I'm doing when I'm not caked in mud, visit my other blog, Everyday Object. I've really got to find a way to streamline these two blogs somehow... What do you think? Would it absolutely bust your skull to read more than just clay related awesomeness on (Mud)Bucket? Hmmm... I'm just thinking about the future of things and my sanity. Any input is appreciated.

P.S. I'm glad to be back, I missed you guys!


  1. roll them into one, I couldn't keep up with two blogs. For the jars are those pieces below to go as stoppers? Those are cool.

  2. Yes Linda, those are the stoppers for the whiskey bottles. After the final firing they'll be epoxied to corks which will fit better into the bottle necks.

  3. Alright! You FINALLY got around to mkaing a potato with three necks. It took you long enough.
    And would it be out of place to ask how many people want to decant their whiskey (Especially if it is a good label) into a ceramic bottle? Or is this just another Japanese affectation that all potters are supposed to adhere to?

  4. You may (may not) know of Emily Schroeder... but if you don't... she pinches most all of her work! It's awesome! You should check it out...

  5. Alright STINKY, yes I know it's a potato... we'll see where it goes after decoration. As for the decanters- it's less for storage then for presentation. And yes, MY family will use them.

    Courtney- yes! I do know Emily Schroeder! Her work is actually what inspired me to start pinching. That's so funny. :)


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