
Off Subject: Linda Hutchins

Whew, since beginning my textiles class this past semester I have been completely enraptured by the sculptural and painterly uses of fiber. (Side note, if you'd like to see any of my own textile work visit my other blog, Everyday Object.) Linda Hutchins is an artist I came across in the April/May 2010 issue of FiberArts that we had in the studio.  Her work is a perfect example of textile as sculpture. With just a needle, some thread and a little bit of organza, Hutchins creates these airy pieces which linger like the ghosts of domesticity- beautiful and uncomfortable at once.

(images via artist's own website)


  1. uh, i have a thing for organza! I love it's ethereal quality!

  2. When I first saw the pictures I thought "Oh My Gosh! All of this on porcelain, how do they get it so thin??" But am happy to read that it is not... the pressure is off *laugh*. Nice post though! Something different!

  3. Great stuff. I love the hammerhead.


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