
Louise Hindsgavl




HEADLINE: Girl-next-door molds porcelain figurines from people's most timid desires.

QUOTE: "Hot."

(images via Danish Crafts, Phantasmaphile, Design & Inredningsbloggen, and We Made This)


  1. They're well made and all, but why is contemporary ceramics so full of this weird shit that says nothing intelligible to anybody? It's just weird to be diffeent, and I can't wait til this crap is over. Totally.

  2. People struggle to communicate and express their ideas about sexuality like they do their ideas of race and gender. The struggle becomes even more intense when the struggle is personal. I don't know any culture in the industrialized world that is completely open about sexuality. If we can't even talk to each other about it or be comfortable with our own sexualities, how can we make art that successfully expresses such ideas. Someone like Beth Cavener Stichter has figured it out but she is one in very few artists who has successfully done this.

    I think it's a cultural difference, too. Hindsgavel comes from Denmark where I am sure the conversation around sexuality is markedly different from the one happening in the United States.

    Folks should take the time to read an article about her work, there are several on her website. It explains it a little more.

    And it's funny, I really like her content, but it's her construction that I'd like to see become a little more refined.


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