
Workshop Review: Esther Shimazu

So Tuesday was the four hour workshop with Esther Shimazu. Whew. She is one interesting woman. Quirky and funny, but like Kuraoka, a little rough around the edges and at times, dare I say, tactless. I ended up learning a couple things about myself and my work which I'm thankful for during the workshop, but overall it wasn't the best workshop I've ever had. Kuraoka kept barking at Shimazu to walk around the class to look at all the students work which took time away from her actually completing her workshop. Some of the things that both Shimazu and Kuraoka said today made me think about something--

A whole lot of artists, especially older, professional artists, walk around like their modes of operation are the only or most valid modes of operation. It seems to me that these artists are missing a whole lot of the larger picture of the art experience when they limit themselves this way. And it drives me absolutely nuts that they subject their students to this unfortunate and debilitating attitude. When will people, and especially artists, learn there isn't only one way to do something??? And that their way isn't always the best! Ugh. Has anyone else ever felt this way or am I just an asshole? Please be honest.

Anyway... I did have fun with my friends and and have a great tip to share with you about how to make awesome teeth like Shimazu.

Please don't hold my silly sketches against me. ;)

P.S. The folks in the close-ups are me lovely friends Claire and Shane! Hi Guys!


  1. I totally agree...that's why I don't take classes anymore - the pottery instructor I had insisted I do things her way. Even if my way was not going to get me where I needed maybe I need to learn it the hard way sometimes. Being lock-step really stifels creativity.

  2. OMG!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE your sketches!! I also learn form your sketches too! how cool!


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