
Shenny Cruces

Shenny Cruces is one of the three graduate students currently working in the SFSU ceramics department. I thought I would share some images of her work as I saw a show of hers at Ruby's Clay Studio over the weekend. I have a lot of respect for Shenny as an artist and just as another person working in the same space as me. She is an incredibly dedicated worker and that shines through in her pieces. She also has a few interesting things to say about the modern image of femininity which doesn't hurt. ;) It's hard to decipher her imagery in such small photographs, but in person these pieces are spectacular- gilded doves, birth control pills, mud-flap girls, baby carriages, condoms, barbie doll busts, slip cast lace, granny florals. Ugh, so many delicious layers, I could look forever.

(images via Illinois State University)

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