
Past Perfection: Beatrice Wood

All I can say is she was one snazzy lady. Her gumption for opulence and eccentricity defined the artist as well as the art. I love her luster pottery... it makes me go totally gaga. It's just so... so... so indulgent. Like, excuse me while I grab a small pastry from this incredible gilded platter with loads of useless and lovely curly cues.

There was a documentary released in 1993, "Beatrice Wood: Mama of Dada", when the artist celebrated her 100th year (she lived to be 105). Has anyone seen it? Scratch that. You can watch the entire thing on YouTube. Now excuse me while I go learn me something.

(images via Clark + Del Vecchio, ModernSculpture.com, The Studio Potter, and The Arm)

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